Hadith: When two Muslims are engaged in a combat against each other ....



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Hadith: When two Muslims are engaged in a combat against each other ....

عن أبي بكرة نفيع بن الحارث الثقفي رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال :
[ إذا التقى المسلمان بسيفيهما فالقاتل والمقتول في النار ] قلت : يا رسول الله هذا القاتل فما بال المقتول ؟ قال : [ إنه كان حريصا على قتل صاحبه ] متفق عليه .

Abu Bakrah Ath-Thaqafi (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (SAW) said: "When two Muslims are engaged in a combat against each other with their sword's and one is killed, both are doomed to Hell". I said, "O Messenger of Allah! As to the one who kills, it is understandable, but why the slain one?" He (PBUH) replied: "He was eager to kill his opponent".
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim
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